Monday, May 6, 2013

A little bit stronger...

So I’ve spent roughly a year and a half not blogging on this site. Why? Because I’ve had writers block. I’ve been able to write for other things (like my magazine) but not for myself. Geeze it has sucked.  So how have I ended up in this hole and more importantly how did I get out? Well, as most of you know I had quite the eventful fall of 2011. My Aunt lost our battle with Leukemia. I say our because it really was all of ours. I think everyone fought equally as hard for her survival. She might have been doing the physical work but my entire family was in that battle. When she lost, I lost, and we all lost. At the same time I was fighting a different battle with my baby brother. He was addicted to drugs. His addiction was coming on full force and my family was still fighting a different fight for my aunt. My aunt was always the person I spoke to about my brother’s addiction so what was I to do with her gone? Meanwhile I spent all of fall 2011 wondering if my brother was going to choose life or death. It is one thing to deal with Leukemia. My aunt had her cards dealt to her. One could strongly argue that addiction is a disease but from my point of view it’s not so cut and dry. My brother did not have a choice in his disease but he sure did have a choice in his treatment. My aunt did not. So while I am walking on this tightrope for trying to find balance in my life everyone else around me is going through equally as catastrophic extremes. My aunt passed and I was still fighting to keep that balance on that tightrope. One small step in the wrong direction and it would have been a disaster. I mean, really. I shouldn’t have had to deal with how I was going to skype my brother and father in from his detox center to the funeral. I should have been worrying about more trivial things like which mascara was going to be the best choice for crying my soul out.

Stick with me… I promise this will make sense. So I’m totally like this 14-year-old girl who loves all things girly and glittery.  Like for example, vampire TV shows. I love watching Vampire Diaries. So the vampires on that show can choose to turn off their humanity and just become full vampire. Basically not caring for much and in return not having to feel human emotions. On some level I did that. I turned off my emotions in some sort of survival mode. Of course I still felt things. I’m NOT a vampire on that TV show. I just didn’t feel the really heavy things like my aunt’s death or my brother’s rehabilitation. That is a lot for a person to process at once. Thus by shutting off how I felt I shut off my ability to write for myself.

So how did I make it out of that rabbit hole I fell into off of my tightrope? I worked my ass off. If you know me, you know I am fucking determined and driven. If there is something I don’t like about myself I’m going to change it. I’m lucky enough where once something has been processed I am able to put it into effect immediately. So step one was to make myself feel again. That was kinda like opening a floodgate that has been closed for a year and a half. Once I was able to cognitively realize that I shut off emotions I was able to turn them back on and begin to process them. Ok, so I parent my parents. That would explain why I felt like such a failure when my brother became a drug addict. I basically raised him and you fucktards sat back and watched as he injected his life away. My aunt, who was my ally in the multiple yearlong battles with my parents over my brother’s addiction, was not in denial like the rest of the authoritative figures in my life but there was only so much she could do. I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to convince everyone my brother needed help but there is only so much screaming you can do in a soundproof glass room before your lungs get tired. Once that motherfucker leukemia yanked my aunt from my soundproof glass room it was not just my lungs that were exhausted but my mind was as well. So it was my time to rest. I needed to spend a year and a half being crazy selfish. I needed to take care of myself.

After about a year of “turning off my humanity” I was brought back to life again. I allowed myself to really feel again.  My transformation was not very subtle. Most of my observant friends can tell I’m much happier now. I believe it started around the morning that I just woke up and decided to get a tattoo and it hasn’t stopped since. It has taken a while to get to the point of writing for myself. It’s one thing dealing with the floodgates, tightropes, and soundproof rooms. It’s another thing to deal with it on paper in such a way that other’s can relate. My sad attempts at writing for myself were not any good because there was no emotion behind it.  Ernest Hemingway once said, "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." And I believe that is what I have done today my friends. Stay tuned for my more upbeat adventures in taking on NYC this summer.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

stalking-- a woman's 6th sense!

So if you haven't read my post about the top 5 guys I'd boink click here and do that before reading this.

I've come to realize I am excellent at stalking. I think its something that all women have. A new mother has maternal instincts, the single girl has super stalking powers. This is the age of facebook. Stalking is available at the click of a button for people we know. Celebrities on the other hand... that is a whole new level on the stalking game.

We will take this story back to last July when a group of girlfriend's and I went to a summer house in Seaside Park, NJ. I had fully intended on going and stalking snooki writing Chapter 1 in my book. Clearly that is not what happened. We ended up taking frequent trips to the Shore Store in hopes of getting a glimpse of the cast but no such luck. We even joined quite a few stalkers in sitting outside of their house just so we could get pictures of them.

I'm not really sure why we went stalking. This show is such a train wreck I don't even watch it.

Now we can fast forward to my trip in August to visit my Mom. She lives in Minneapolis, MN. I knew if I was going to travel to such a useless city I better do it when my New York Yankees were in town! So here I am sitting in the car with my Aunt, Uncle, Mother and her Husband when we pass by a hotel with a small crowd of Yankee fans outside of it. At a red light I hopped out of the car and decided to join the crowd. A true stalker needs to be able to adapt to the environment around him/her. This was my moment to meet as many players as possible! Well I did get pictures of a few but they were all in a rush to get to Target Field so most of them didn't stop.

So yesterday when I got to work I found that there was a movie being filmed in my parking lot. I've been passed many movie sets (and even on a few) before so I took a quick picture to post to facebook and decided to go on with my day.
"They are filming a movie at work today. I hope it's starring Justin Timberlake's abs!"

So as you know, I bought a new car at the beginning of the Summer. As a result of the new car I park it in a very specific spot. I like to park somewhere between China and Siberia. It is always on the end of the aisle so that other cars can't surround it and it is so far away from the door that if Walt Disney owned the parking lot there would be a monorail taking me to the front door. It just so happened that yesterday there was a movie in my parking spot. So when I arrived back from my coffee break I went to the next available spot that was similar to mine. It was almost 3 sips into my pumpkin spice latte when a security guard knocked on my window.

Rule #1 in stalking:
 Make friends with security guards.

By the end of my latte I had found out that ALEXANDER SCARSGARD AKA HOT VIKING VAMPIRE ERIC NORTHMAN AKA NUMBER 3 ON THE LIST OF MY TOP 5 DUDES I'D BOINK was starring in the movie. I had also found out that my new best friend, Franklin the Security Guard was going to help me meet him.

Rule # 2 in stalking:
Don't give up.

On my lunch break I decided to go see if Franklin needed me to grab him something while I was out getting lunch. This resulted in chatting with Franklin right outside of my precious Viking's trailer.

Rule #3 in stalking:
Don't be afraid to make bold moves.

At the end of my day I was walking to my car when I saw my sexy man walking around set. This was my moment to meet him and get a picture that would have fellow fang bangers jealous forever! I walked right on set like I was Franklin's long lost daughter and approached Askars. He was SUPER NICE! With a body like his he could totally be a douche and I'd still want to have his vampire babies but he was actually really pleasant. I am totally awkward and had to step on my tippy toes to even be remotely tall enough to take a picture with him but whatever I GOT A PICTURE WITH HIM!

Now, if you read the same rolling stone issue I did you would know that my viking runs around the set naked. So while I was hoping I would see this...

I'll take what I can get ;-)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Why I collect gay men like baseball cards...

Women of the world listen up! I'm about to let you in on a secret women like Liza Minelli have been hiding for years. A girl's best accessory is a gay man! Yeah, I said it. Gay men are awesome. There is so much to learn from them. First of all, they can dress better than you can. I kinda wish there was a little gay midget in my closet dressing me everyday (Why a midget? Because he won't take up too much space in my walk-in closet duh!) My gay friends have always successfully helped me with shopping and dressing. Some of my best outfits come from men who wish they could wear what I can wear. You homos all know you wish you could prance around town in 5 inch loubs... 

Gay men will teach you more about sex than you will ever learn from anyone else? Why?? Because gay men are this strange hybrid. They express emotion like women do but at the same time they are still men and hump everything in a 50 mile radius on grindr. This makes for the perfect combination to get advice from. 

Gay men can dance better than anyone on this planet. I know people are going to argue with me and say things like "Beyonce is one of the greatest dancers of all time!" Well I'mma let you finish on that argument in a second but gay men are the greatest dancers of all time!! Not one of the greatest dancers, they are the greatest dancers. Bitch, where do you think Beyonce gets her dance moves from? Her queer choreographer. Case closed.

For those of you who need a little dance lesson from a man with far more rhythm than you will ever have...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Top 5 things you should not text when you're drunk

I swear my phone should have a built in Breathalyzer. I turn into a Gremlin after 2am and no one needs to hear from Gremlin Sarah. I am the queen of drunk dials and texts. Sober Sarah actually had a brilliant idea one night to take the battery out of her phone and give it to her friend so she wouldn't text her ex boyfriend... only one problem with that. Gremlin Sarah gets paranoid without her cell phone. It's kinda like Linus without his dirty blanket. The second my phone dies all sorts of thoughts flood my head like "What if a fire starts and I get trapped in the bar without a cell phone battery?" or "What if I lose my friends in this crowded place?" Let's be honest here... If I lost my friends at our local watering hole in White Plains I could easily walk around and find them. And if the Brazen Fox caught on fire there are at least 3 exits that I know of to escape (although if it ever DOES catch on fire we are all fucked. With all of the fake Pauly D's walking around there is enough hair spray to blow that place up faster than I can text my ex "I miss you.")

Me dressed as a Gremlin being a Gremlin after 2am on Halloween. Fact: I texted my ex to come pick me up that night. Fact: He slept through all 15 of my texts. 

So what are the top 5 things not to text when you're drunk??

5. I miss you

If you have to be drunk to say something like this to someone you shouldn't be saying it. This is totally the pot calling the kettle a Gremlin texter. I have totally done this. What's even worse is that I've phrased it like "I don't miss you when (insert stupid song here) comes on." As if Gremlin Sarah was setting it up for Sober Sarah so in the morning she could just say "I was just telling you the truth. I really didn't miss you." Note to self: drunken Jedi mind tricks don't work... ever.

4. Wghayts Uop?

In case you were wondering, that is Gremlin for "Whats Up?" Most Gremlins send this without being sent a text first. This is an awful opening line for any conversation. No one ever cares as to what is up.  This text is loaded with subtext which people can not accurately read via text. Plus, men don't care about subtext with our texts. It is very black and white for them. 

3. A picture of yourself with a guy.

Once upon a time in a foreign land called Westchester there was a little girl named Sarah. Sarah was at the ripe age of 18 and was one of the lucky few to have a fake I.D. that made it passed the bouncers at Pure (OMG remember that club??) She like all of the other girls she was with drank Malibu Baybreezes until she turned into an evil Gremlin. Once she turned there was no turning back. She found the first hot guy she could and took picture after picture with him. The Gremlin was out for revenge that night. She texted her ex a picture of herself with another (much hotter) guy. This is a sad story for the Gremlin because not only did she look uber pathetic saying she sent it "by accident" but she looked desperate. Don't send drunken pictures to your ex. Do the smart thing and post them on facebook for the world to see ;)

2. Awakeeeeeee??????

The 500 e's are crucial to this text. With every e there is subtext. This isn't even a question. He isn't awake it's 5am... on a tuesday. Lush. Decoded this means "Wake up I want attention from you!" Problem is when you get a response the next day, there is nothing to say. How do you justify that? You don't... 

1. OMFG I arm do drubnjk rifght now!

I think with this one it was more of the response that was a trainwreck.

Gremlin Sarah: OMFG I arm do drubnjk rifght now!

8 hours later

Grandma: I think you sent this to me by mistake.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Top 5 dudes I'd boink

So I've been slacking on this blogging thing. I decided enjoying my last two weeks of summer was more important than updating my blog. What have I been so busy doing? Creating a top 5 list of dudes I'd bang. Duh. I skipped town for 48 hours to go to my family's country house in The Berkshires with two of my girlfriends and while driving home us 3 dirty broads started talking about the guys we would smush smush given the chance.

                     1. Justin Timberlake

     Totally my favorite flavor of Justin. He is like a Louis Vuitton bag, he will never go out of style.

                  2. David Beckham

     I'd let him slide from 3rd to home any day. Wait! He doesn't play baseball? Well it sounds better than letting him kick it in my goal. Ouch.

                  3. Eric Northman

    I mean Eric Northman and not Alexander Skarsgard. I want him fangs and all.

                 4. Johnny Depp

   I'd take him (and all 500 personalities he has) on any day! Plus rumor has it he tastes like rum. Just what I love! Men and alcohol!

                5. Chris Brown.
    What? I know he likes it rough and I've already seen him naked thanks to the Internet. PS homeboy is packing. Seriously. Google it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sarah Brianna Smith and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I should have known today was going to utterly suck. First indication should have been when I slid face first into the glass door at Starbucks. It's not my fault I was distracted by the incredibly gorgeous suit that walked by...It is my (and my flip flop's) fault that I looked like a fool in front of him.  So I leave Starbucks with my venti soy tea latte in hand and head for the doctor. The doc was running late and took her sweet ass time getting to my appointment. Which was totally fine until I got back to my beautiful car and found a not so beautiful love note on her windshield. I've had many arguments with my Father over the years. One epic ongoing one was about being responsible with parking tickets. I think he's being a d bag and he thinks I'm irresponsible. That is why to prove him wrong (and not have to pay racks on racks on racks to the Scarsdale Police Dept.) I decided to be big girl and go straight to the court and pay for my love note.

When I got to the court the lovely lady behind the counter informed me that it was cash or check only. Uhhh I had my debt card (Yes, I intentionally left the i out of that word) which is totes like cash. This is apparently not Scarsdale Court but I time traveled in my beautiful mayonnaise colored vw to prehistoric times when people just took cash. So while huffing and puffing and cursing out Scarsdale I headed back to my time machine to go to the ATM.

I came to a complete stop for quite a few minutes while getting ready to make a left turn into the bank. I was even mad at all of the cars passing and had enough time to get several choice words out before BANG! SMACK! CRASH! My beautiful car, Heidi Farfenschnoogle Bieber, took it up the ass from some big giant German Audi thing who then took it up the ass from some hoopdie that was 3 different shades of rust.

 1) Gang bang before noon? Ugh, that's what I call morning do.

2) Isn't it illegal to have hoopdies in Scarsdale? Clearly this guy got lost on his way to Mt. Vernon.

3) This fucking sucks.

So I get out of my car cursing and huffing and puffing some more about everyone when I see a little girl crying. The soccer mom in the Audi behind me had her kids with her. I think my maternal instincts kicked in sometime between bang and smack (Who knew I had those?!) Before long I was chatting about how my car got the last name Bieber with this little girl while the jaws of life were removing the other cars from each other. Everyone seemed to be fine just a little shaken up except for the hood rat who rear ended us all who was limping all over the place looking for our sympathy. I have very little for that mother fucker. Oh, did I mention it started to pour while all of this was happening? Yep,
Hurricane Irene to rain on my day and make things peachy! Only thing that could have been worse is if we had some more devastating aftershocks from earthquake 2011...